Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nadine Sorry for Speaking Poor Indonesian

JAKARTA: No one is perfect, not even the prettiest girl in the country.

Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames, who was recently crowned as the winner of 2010 Puteri Indonesia beauty pageant confessed recently that she knew little about her native tongue, Indonesian.

She said on Wednesday she couldn’t speak fluent Indonesian, and apologized for her lack of proficiency in the language.

“I apologize to Indonesian people because my Indonesian is not good enough,” Nadine said as quoted by during an event in Jakarta.

She hoped the public would not judge her as not being patriotic enough.

“The important think is that I can communicate. I am studying every day to improve my language skills,” said Nadine, who was born in the UK 19 years ago and has spent the last three years in England.

In October, Nadine defeated 37 finalists in the prestigious beauty pageant. She took over the crown from Qory Sandioriva, the winner of the 2009 competition.

Like other winners of the beauty contest, Nadine is set to represent Indonesia in the Miss Universe international beauty pageant next year, which will be held in Vietnam.

Courtesy: The Jakarta Post


Anonymous said...

Interview dMU untuk dPublish k'umum (nanti) ga pake bahasa slaen bahasa INDONESIA, ude bner2 kterlaluan loe Dien,.. tunjukin k'org2 INDONESIA kalo loe orang INDONESIA!!! amalkan SUMPAH PEMUDA, Berbahasa satu bahasa INDONESIA,.. tw gak sumpah pemuda?? ga tw?? makin kterlaluan loe Dien,.. belajar yg bner!!
bangga akan Mother Tongue loe sndri,..
kalo loe intrview pke bahasa Indonesia kan bsa mnarik simpati antar WNI!! kalo ga???
ngapain aj staun ini?? ENAK BGT IDUP LOE???
ga usah jd Puteri Indonesia, mngundurkan diri aj,.. ato siap2 dkudeta!!!

Anonymous said...

Lah.. kan dia emang jawab bahasa indonesia, cuma di-translate ke bahasa inggris di artikelnya, ngak usah emosi kyk gitu kaleee haha chill! mungkin lo mau ngajuin diri lo sendiri sbg putri indonesia silahkan!

Anonymous said...

masih mending Nadine lah *banget! ..udah cantik, muda, berbakat, bisa bhs inggris, dan mau belajar lebih dlm ttg bahasa indonesia.. daripada yg dah hafal sumpah pemuda - undang2 - demo sana-sini.. tapi anarkis, senang menjatuhkan org lain, munafik, matre, bhkan yg tua2 byk yg ga peduli org2 kecil, hak2 org dirampas i.e korupsi!!!!!!!! goshhhh i better speak indonesia like a 5-year old kid than doing filthy-embarrassing actions like those! stop hypocrisy and be smart people!

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