Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dancing scene in Direito de Amar (1987) Part 3

Dancing scene in Direito de Amar (1987) Part 2

Dancing scene in Direito de Amar (1987) Part 1

Opening music of Direito de Amar (1987)

Direito de Amar: A Magnificent Brazilian Novela

Direito de Amar was the third Brazilian novela which pioneered the trend of telenovela in Indonesia since early 80s. The first two were Escrava Isaura and Sinhá Moça. Among the three, in our opinion, Direito de Amar has a perfect regulated plot and a sharp characterization as the most interesting points. We should be grateful to TVRI as the first television station in our country. Because of them, we've been pleased to see a much-loved by Indonesian people alternative TV program.

About Direito de Amar

Direito de Amar (The Right to Love) was a Brazilian telenovela produced and displayed in the schedule of 18 hours by Rede Globo, 16 February to 5 September 1987, had 173 chapters. It was written by Walter Negrão and Alcides Nogueira, with the collaboration of Ana Maria Moretzsohn and Marilú Saldanha, and directed by Reynaldo Boury, Jayme Monjardim and José Carlos Pieri.


In Rio de Janeiro in the early twentieth century, industrialist Augusto Medeiros is forced to marry his daughter Rosália with the redoubtable Francisco de Montserrat, a banker authoritarian, on account of a debt. But Rosália's in love with Adriano, newly graduated medical doctor who had met at a masked ball, in Eve, 1900, unaware that he was the son of Mr. de Montserrat.

Meanwhile, Montserrat keeps in his care a woman, Joana, considered mad, trapped in a bedroom of his mansion - a woman who knows too much about his dark past. In the end it turns out that Joana was actually the wife of Montserrat, which is made by passing a widower. But the banker also has to face his old nemesis, Dr. Jorge Ramos, who played Joana in the past. Moreover, the doctor has great influence over Adriano, including choosing a career.

Main Cast

Glória Pires - Rosália Alves Medeiros
Lauro Corona - Adriano Monserrat
Carlos Vereza - Francisco de Monserrat
Ítala Nandi - Joana / Bárbara / Nanette
Carlos Zara - Dr. Jorge Ramos
Cissa Guimarães - Paula Alves Barbosa
Ester Góes - Leonor Alves Medeiros
Ednei Giovenazzi - Augusto Medeiros

Check also:

Text courtesy of  Wikipedia (About, Synopsis & Cast)
Images courtesy of Memória Globo

Foto: Grand Launching Situs

Puteri Indonesia 2010 Nadine Alexandra Dewi, Presiden Direktur PT Mustika Ratu Tbk Puteri Kuswisnuwardhani, Staf Ahli Menkominfo Cahyana saat launching layanan situs di Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa, Jl Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta, Kamis (31/3). Situs merupakan layanan pembelian produk kosmetik Mustika Ratu secara online yang dapat mencapai pemesanan dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia sehingga memudahkan konsumen dalam membeli produk-produk Mustika Ratu. 

Courtesy of Media Indonesia

Mustika Ratu Luncurkan Gerai Online

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi internet rupanya turut memengaruhi strategi pemasaran perusahaan jamu dan kosmetik PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk. Hal itu terbukti dengan diluncurkannya gerai online resmi pertama mereka,, Kamis (31/3).

Menurut survei Nielsen Global Online seperti tercantum di rilis media yang dikeluarkan, penggunaan layanan belanja online melalui internet di Indonesia meningkat dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Sebanyak 51 persen populasi pengguna internet pernah berbelanja secara online.

''Tentu saja ini menjadi kesempatan besar bagi kami untuk mengembangkan usaha,'' cetus Presiden Direktur PT. Mustika Ratu Tbk. Puteri Kuswinuwardhani.

Dia mengimbuhkan, dibuat untuk memudahkan konsumen dalam membeli produk-produk mereka.

Puteri juga menjamin produk yang ditawarkan lewat gerai online itu memiliki kualitas produk yang baik, sama seperti produk yang dijual di gerai biasa Mustika Ratu.

Bagi konsumen yang tinggal di luar Jakarta, tak perlu khawatir. Sebab, gerai online ini melayani pemesanan dari seluruh wilayah nusantara. Untuk pemesanan di wilayah Jakarta, barang akan dikirimkan dalam waktu satu hari sejak pembayaran. Sedangkan untuk pengiriman ke daerah lain, dapat dilakukan dalam waktu dua hingga lima hari kerja.

Melalui, konsumen juga mendapat kemudahan dalam mencari informasi yang berkaitan dengan produk yang dibutuhkan, gambar, serta harga barang. Untuk memudahkan pencarian produk disediakan pula fasilitas mesin pencari.

Sementara itu, konsumen yang memiliki pertanyaan seputar produk dapat mengisi formulir yang disediakan dan akan dijawab langsung oleh Costumer Service PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk. Dalam waktu dekat, gerai online tersebut juga akan dilengkapi dengan kolom tips yang berisi tips penggunaan produk kosmetik itu.

Courtesy of Yulia Permatasari/Media Indonesia
Image courtesy of

Mustika Ratu Luncurkan Situs Belanja KosmetikCantik

Semakin berkembangnya dunia internet dan gadget, berbelanja secara online makin dilirik banyak orang. Selain faktor kepraktisan dan keterbatasan waktu, ada penawaran khusus yang biasanya hanya bisa didapatkan secara online.

Melihat fenomena tersebut, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk—perusahaan jamu dan kosmetik ternama—meluncurkan sebagai toko online resmi khusus produk Mustika Ratu. Situs diluncurkan untuk memudahkan konsumen membeli produk-produk Mustika Ratu.

"Sebanyak 51 persen pengguna internet naik di Indonesia. Asia Tenggara pertumbuhan pengguna internetnya paling tinggi. Di Asia, Indonesia tertinggi karena populasinya juga banyak. Tinggi karena adanya kebutuhan berinteraksi, mencari informasi, dan mempermudah hidup mereka. Seperti barang yang susah dicari, di sini bisa dengan mudah didapat," kata Puteri Kuswisnuwardhani, Presiden Direktur PT Mustika Ratu Tbk saat berbincang dengan okezone usai peresmian di Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa, Jakarta, Kamis (31/3/2011).

Sebagai toko online resmi, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk. menjamin produk yang ditawarkan melalui memiliki kualitas produk yang baik, sama dengan produk yang dijual di outlet penjualan Mustika Ratu. dioperasikan secara profesional oleh PT Izumiya International, yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan dan penyediaan e-commerce (e-commerce enabler).

"Sebenarnya, kita sudah melakukan penjualan melalui website sejak tahun 1990-an. Tapi, tidak mau menyatu dengan website, karena pengelolaannya lebih kompleks. Dengan kerja sama ini (menggandeng PT Izumiya-red), pengelola yang akan melakukan pengiriman sehingga seperti toko terpisah, di mana kita harapkan lebih banyak konsumen yang belanja dan mengunjungi," papar Puteri.

Dengan digandengnya pengelola profesional di bidangnya, pelanggan tidak usah ragu membeli produk secara online melalui karena akan terhindar dari penipuan yang masih kerap terjadi dalam pembelian barang secara online melalui situs tidak resmi. menjangkau pemesanan dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia karena untuk pengiriman barang kerjasama dengan JNE, sebuah perusahaan layanan kurir terpercaya yang melayani pengiriman ke seluruh 33 provinsi di 518 kota/kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia.

"Untuk pemesanan wilayah Jakarta, akan kami kirim dalam waktu satu hari sejak pembayaran diterima. Sedangkan untuk pengiriman daerah lain, dapat dilakukan dalam waktu dua sampai lima hari kerja," jelasnya.

Melalui, pelanggan mendapatkan kemudahan mencari informasi yang berkaitan dengan produk yang dibutuhkan, gambar, serta harga barang.

"Penjualan konvensional tidak melulu menyediakan produk yang dicari. Kalaupun ada, cepat habis atau ketika ada promo, produk demand-nya langsung tinggi. Karena itu, konsumen kalau tahu produk yang ingin dibeli tidak ada masalah (kunjungi kosmetik online ini), tapi kalau ingin coba-coba warna misal lipstik atau eyeshadow,  bisa coba-coba dulu," imbuh Puteri.

Adapun pilihan produk yang tersedia di merupakan produk kosmetik dan jamu dari PT Mustika Ratu.

"Semua produk dijual termasuk Taman Sari dan produk pria," katanya.

Untuk pembayaran pemesanan barang, menyediakan berbagai pilihan transfer melalui ATM, M-BCA, atau T-Cash. Sementara untuk pembayaran melalui credit card , PT Mustika Ratu bekerja sama dengan Finnet, sebuah perusahaan payment gateaway yang menerapkan sistem security tinggi dalam pembayaran secara online.

Courtesy of Chaerunnisa/Okezone

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Random Article: Nadine, dari Inggris Meraih Mahkota

Courtesy of Elshinta Magazine (October 2010)

Random Articles: Jambi Independent (October 2010)

Courtesy of Jambi Independent (October 9 & 11, 2010)

Carrefour Pink (Cover Story)

Courtesy of Carrefour Indonesia via Onni Rizky Iskandar

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Puteri Indonesia Terpukau Melihat Kuda Renggong

Puteri Indonesia 2010, Nadine Alexandra Dewi terpukau ketika melihat atraksi kuda renggong di halaman Gedung Negara, Sumedang, Minggu (27/3/2011).

Setelah melihat koleksi peninggalan kerajaan Sumedanglarang di museum Prabu Geusan Ulun, Puteri Indonesia ini disambut orang nomor satu Sumedang yang masih melajang, Bupati Don Murdono.

Saat akan masuk ke Gedung Negara itulah seokor kuda renggong beraksi dengan diiringi tetabuhan. Kuda ini langsung melipat kaki depannya untuk menghormati Puteri Indonesia kelahiran 23 Mei 1991 ini.

Mata Nadine tak lepas melihat gerakan kuda yang menari - nari. Langkah Nadine yang dibalut busana batik rancangan Albert Yanuar ini terhenti.

“Saya baru pertama kali melihat kuda menari dan memberi hormat seperti itu. Saya terpesona,” kata Nadine ketika menjawab pertanyaan wartawan Tribun, kemarin.

Bukan hanya pertama kali saja melihat kuda renggong, Nadine juga mengaku pertama kali ke Sumedang. “Saya bisa menikmati tahu Sumedang langsung di Sumedang. Tadinya juga disuguhi makanan khas lainnya seperti ubi Cileumbu dan talas, enak sekali,” katanya.

Saat di museum, Nadine melihaat koleksi pusaka peninggalan kerajaan Sumedanglarang. Puteri Indonesia ini mendapat penjelasan langsung dari pemanggku adat Sumedanglarang, Rd Achmad Wiriatmadja mulai dari mahkotah binokasih peninggalan Prabu Siliwangi sampai aneka pusaka dan kereta kencana.

“Mudah-mudahan kedatangan saya kesini bukan yang terakhir dan kunjungan ini menjadikan wawasan tentang kekayaan ragam budaya saya bertambah,” katanya lagi.

Putri Indonesia ini datang dalam acara roadshow sebuah merek kecantikan ke Sumedang dan langsung diboyong Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disbudparpora).

“Kami sengaja memboyong dulu Puteri Indonesia itu ke museum, Gedung Negara serta memperkenal potensi wisata Sumedang,” kata Dicky Rubiana, Kepala Disbudparpora.

Ketika dijamu di ruang depan Gedung Negara juga disuguhkan kesenian Tarawangsa. Seorang penari mengikuti gerak ritmis music penuh magis dari kecapi dan rebab. Nadine juga menanam sebuah pohon di halaman Pemkab Sumedang.

Di Gedung Negara ini para pejabat dan pegawai di Pemkab Sumedang serta para pengunjung berebut untuk foto bersama dengan Puteri Indonesia ini. Di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan di Sumedang juga digelar roadshow kecantikan.

Courtesy of Tribun Jabar

Gedung Sate Diterangi Lilin

Gubernur Jawa Barat Pimpin Pelaksanaan Earth Hour

Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan memimpin detik-detik pelaksanaan Earth Hour di halaman Gedung Sate, Sabtu (26/3) malam. Dengan hitungan mundur, tepat pukul 20.30 WIB, semua lampu yang menyala di sekitar Gedung Sate padam.

Penerangan di sekitar Gedung Sate hanya tinggal cahaya ratusan lilin yang disimpan di meja dan dibawa peserta Earth Hour dari Paguyuban Sapedah Baheula, Bike to Work, dan beberapa komunitas lainnya.

Meskipun di bawah hujan rintik-rintik, pelaksanaan Earth Hour tersebut mendapatkan apresiasi dari semua hadirin, termasuk istri Gubernur, Netty Heryawan. Kegiatan kampanye Earth Hour yang dipusatkan di Gedung Sate itu tetap meriah dengan digelarnya berbagai kesenian tradisional, termasuk dari Angklung Udjo dan pertunjukan perkusi dari mahasiswa.

Gubernur Heryawan berharap agar kebiasaan hemat energi itu bisa menjadi gaya hidup baru bagi warga Jawa Barat, sehingga pelaksanaan hemat energi tidak hanya pada saat Earth Hour saja, tetapi menjadi bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. "Energi kita terbatas sementara kebutuhan energi meningkat, dan pada Sabtu malam ini mematikan listrik untuk satu jam saja, demi anak cucu kita nanti," kata Gubernur kepada wartawan.

Menurut Heryawan, bila setiap hari atau setiap malam, penggunaan energi bisa dihemat 20 persen sampai 30 persen, penghematan itu bisa menyelamatkan energi untuk kepentingan masa depan.

Gubernur mengatakan, he-mat energi juga harus dilakukan di kantor-kantor pemerintah. Begitu juga perhotelan, dan instansi lain. "Kantor-kantor pemerintah harus jadi contoh kantor lain, ini sederhana tetapi ini bisa menghemat miliaran rupiah," ucapnya.

Bagikan bibit pohon Dukungan atas kampanye Earth Hour juga dilakukan pengelola hotel, seperti Hotel Holiday Inn. Kegiatan dimulai sejak pukul 16.00 antara lain dengan membagikan 300 bibit pohon mahoni kepada pengemudi kendaraan yang melewati Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda (Jln. Dago).

General Manager Holiday Inn Lenny Yuliati mengatakan, lampu-lampu di hotelnya dipadamkan mulai pukul 20.30 s.d. 21.30 WIB. Sementara tamu-tamu yang berkumpul di lobi hotel sambil menunggu lampu menyala, disuguhi kudapan tradisional.

Sementara di Braga Bar dilakukan pertemuan dengan Puteri Indonesia 2010 Nadine Alexandra. Pada kesempatan itu GM Holiday Inn memberikan bibit pohon secara simbolis kepada Nadine.

Meskipun begitu, berdasar-kan pemantauan "PR", kampanye Earth Hour di beberapa lokasi kurang mendapatkan respons dari warga. Lampu-lampu rumah warga tetap dibiarkan menyala. "Saya tidak tahu malam ini ada kampanye Earth Hour ini, jadi saya tidak mematikan lampu," ujar Agus salah seorang warga di sekitar Jln. Cihapit Kota Bandung.

Courtesy of Pikiran Rakyat

Earth Day Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Tercatat MURI

Dua Puteri Kecantikan Indonesia 2010, Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2010 Reisa Kartikasari dan Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2010 Alessandra Khadijah Usman bahu membahu bersama Mustika ratu, Yayasan Puteri Indonesia dan Sheraton Mustika Jogjakarta serta karyawan sheraton dan penduduk setempat.

Bersama pemerintah dan instansi terkait, mereka melakukan reboisasi di lereng gunung Merapi, tepatnya di desa Glagaharjo, Cangkringan, Yogyakarta, sejak Sabtu (26/3/2011), dalam memperingati Hari Bumi (Earth Day).

Di desa yang terkenal dengan kampungnya "sang Juri kunci" Merapi, Alm Mbah Marijan, keduanya melakukan reboisasi atau penanaman pohon dari berbagai jenis pohon dengan jumlahnya mencapai 3083 pohon di sekitar lokasi bencana tersebut.

Sebanyak 33 pohon itu merupakan sumbangan dari 11 negara yang tergabung dalam ASEAN, sebagai simbolis dan bentuk kepedulian negara ASEAN terhadap lingkungan dan hari bumi di Indonesia.

"Aku sangat senang sekali menjadi salah satu bagian dalam catatan sejarah akan pentingnya menjaga dan memperhatikan lingkungan terutama dilokasi pasca bencana gunung merapi," terang Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan, Reisa Kartikasari dalam pesan singkatnya di BBM, Sabtu(26/3/2011)

Humas Yayasan Puteri Indonesia, Ayi Subing, mengatakan, selain melakukan penanaman pohon, Mustika Ratu dan Yayasan Puteri Indonesia akan mendukung program selalu program Earth Hour yang dilaksanakan di Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta.

Program Earth Hour tersebut akan berlangsung mulai pukul 20.30 WIB sampai 21.30 WIB pada malam peringatan hari bumi tersebut. Saat prosesi dimulai, akan dinyalakan 1.000 lilin aromatherapy Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa.

"Prosesi 1000 lilin ini baru pertama kali di Indonesia, sehingga Musium Record Indonesia (MURI) mencatatnya sebagai salah satu event Earth Hour yang spektakuler yang dilaksanakan oleh Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta," terang Ayi

Dalam prosesi ini Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2010, Alessandra Usman bersama GM. Sheraton Jogjakarta Resort & Spa Muhamad Munir di daulat utk menyalakan lilin perdana sebagai pertanda stimulatory Earth Hour.

"Semoga program ini dapat diikuti oleh masyarakat, pemerintah, swasta di seluruh Indonesia, bahkan dunia utk mensukseskan program go green. Salah satunya melalui green energy, penghematan energi yaitu dengan earth hour ini," terang Munir saat menghubungi Tribun.

Courtesy of Tribun Jakarta

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fashion: Her World Magazine, December 2010

Courtesy of Her World

Random Article: Seperti Apa Gaya Anda? (Femina, Annual Edition 2011)

Courtesy of Femina

Puteri Indonesia Tanam Pohon di Lereng Merapi

Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan Reisa Kartikasari dan Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata Alessandra Khadijah Usman  mengunjungi lereng Gunung Merapi, di Desa Glagahharjo, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Kedua puteri ini secara langsung ingin melihat situasi desa Glagahharjo yang belum lama ini terkena bencana letusan Gunung Merapi. Menurut Ayi Subing, Humas Yayasan Puteri Indonesia, kunjungan kedua Puteri Indonesia itu untuk menanam pohon di lokasi bencana.

Sebanyak 3.083 pohon berbagai jenis akan ditanam di sekitar lokasi bencana. Dari ribuan pohon itu, 33 pohon sumbangan dari 11 negara yang tergabung dalam ASEAN.
Para Puteri Indonesia bersama pemerintah dan instansi terkait setempat, akan melakukan reboisasi. Sebagai salah satu prosesi menyambut Hari Bumi yang diperingati setiap 22 April, sekaligus penghijauan.

Selain melakukan penanaman pohon, juga diadakan pemecahan rekor menyalakan aroma terapi atau essensial oil Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa. Dari keterangan Muhamad Munir, General Manager Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, sebanyak 1.000 essensial oil yang ada di kawasan Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta dinyalakan, untuk memecahkan rekor MURI.

Courtesy of Retno Hemawati/Media Indonesia

Kala Dua Puteri Menanam Bibit Pohon

Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan Hidup 2010, Reisa Kartikasari dan Puteri Pariwisata 2010, Alessandra Khadijah Usman tampak turun dari bus bersama rombongan dari Hotel Sheraton. Mereka baru saja tiba di Dusun Singlar, Desa Glagaharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman, DIY, Sabtu (26/03/2011) pagi.

Kedua gadis yang mengenakan kaus putih bertuliskan 60 Earth Hour itu juga berjalan bersama rombongan dan ikut menanam bibit pohon. Alessandra, putri asal Gorontalo, itu mengambil sendiri bibit yang akan ditanam dan memasukkannya ke lubang yang sudah digali.

Perlahan ia menutup lubang dengan cangkul. Gadis 22 tahun itu terlihat cukup kesulitan menggunakan cangkul. Sinar matahari yang terik membuatnya beberapa kali berkipas dengan topi caping yang dipakainya.

Reissa, Puteri Lingkungan asal Baciro, Kecamatan Gondokusuman, Kota Yogya, DI Yogyakarta, ini juga ikut menanam bibit pohon. Dengan sebuah sekop kecil, Reissa berjongkok dan mengubur bibit yang ditanamnya. Sesekali Reissa dan Alessandra berpose memegang bibit yang mereka tanam untuk difoto oleh para wartawan yang mengerumuni.

Kedua Puteri datang ke Yogyakarta pada Jumat (25/03/2011) dan akan kembali ke Jakarta pada Minggu (27/03/2011).

"Besok rencananya kami akan mengunjungi Candi Borobudur dan Candi Prambanan," ujar Ayi Subing, Humas Puteri Indonesia.

Courtesy of Tribun Jogja

Friday, March 25, 2011

Missosology's Miss Universe 2011 Hot Picks Week 14

Courtesy of

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random Article: What's Up Geminis?

 Image courtesy of

Gemini - Si Kembar
(21 Mei - Juni 21)

Lincah, Pandai berbicara, Tidak Stabil, Mudah Berubah-Ubah, Mudah Gugup, Sangat Peka

Nomor Keberuntungan: 4,11,26,31,38.49

Aroma Keberuntungan: Bunga Lavender, Bunga Lily, Peppermint

Planet Yang Mengitari: Merkurius

Bunga Keberuntungan: Bunga Lily, Pakis

Warna Keberuntungan: Kuning

Batu Keberuntungan: Batu Safir

Elemen Keberuntungan: Udara

Pasangan Serasi: Sagitarius

Gemini adalah simbol kecerdasan, memiliki banyak akal. Komunikasi dan bahasa sangat penting bagi mereka. Mereka memiliki kemampuan berkembang dan belajar yang tinggi. Umumnya para Gemini tidak stabil, reaksi terhadap situasi ditentukan oleh mood mereka. Bagi Gemini, keragaman adalah penyedap kehidupan. Mereka menikmati hasil yang mereka capai lewat kerja keras mereka sendiri. Gemini tidak menyukai rutinitas. Pengetahuan, pikiran yang cepat dan kepandaian jelas terlihat pada zodiak ini. Mereka mudah berubah-ubah. Simbol ini memiliki pesona alami dan energi karisma yang menarik semua zodiak. Mereka memiliki banyak ide yang dapat membuat kita tertarik, namun mereka cenderung cepat bosan jika mereka berada di sekitar orang yang tidak dapat mengikuti jalan pikiran mereka, dana cepat berpindah ke suatu tempat dimana orang di sekitarnya dapat mengikuti jalan pikiran mereka. Mereka biasa menikmati hidup mereka dan jarang melihat kembali kebelakang. Gemini dikenal dengan spontanitasnya dan kemampuan mereka berbicara mengenai segala hal. Mereka energik dan murah hati. Sikap plin plan mereka terkadang menyulitkan. Kamu tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang mereka pikirkan dan apa yang akan mereka lakukan. Cobalah bertanya pertanyaan yang sama pada hari berikutnya, maka kamu akan mendapatkan jawaban yang berbeda setiap harinya. Terkadang hal ini dapat membuatmu putus asa, namun dapat juga mempesonamu.

Asmara para Gemini: Jika kamu tidak dapat mengikuti pola pikir para Gemini, kamu tidak akan dapat bergaul dengan zodiak ini. Perubahan sikap adalah kunci memenangkan hati mereka. Gemini akan menggunakan kemampuan berkomunikasi mereka untuk merayu orang yang mereka sukai. Mereka cenderung menjauh dari orang yang tidak menantang mereka. Gemini memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi dan selama kamu dapat menimbulkan keingintahuan di hati mereka, mereka selamanya akan berada di sampingmu. Gemini menukai perubahan, mereka senantiasa mencari sesuatu yang lain, termasuk juga kekasih.


Image courtesy of

Gemini Yearly 2011 Horoscopes:
Gemini (May 21- Jun 20)

A sign known for always changing its mind, Gemini will have little to debate about this year. The Gemini 2011 yearly horoscope shows that things are pretty clear cut. There will be some attacks on your career but for the most part, your financial situation will not be affected. Your love life will be satisfying and will not require any major decisions. Your health will need a bit of maintenance, so basic self-care is no longer optional. In other words, Gemini, you’re looking at a year where the path is pretty obvious, so you can find yourself some peace.

Gemini 2011 Career and Income Horoscope

Brace yourself, Gemini. When 2011 starts, you will find yourself a target in the workplace. People will be coming after what you’ve got and do their best to take it. Stay strong. Keep your head up, do good work and do not be afraid to toot your own horn. Make a point of letting those in charge know exactly how much you are accomplishing, so that those with sabotage in mind fail in their efforts to undermine you. The Gemini 2011 yearly horoscope shows that, i f you can weather the storm - and unfortunately, it looks as though that will be the majority of the year - you are in for major growth come November or December.

Gemini 2011 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

The Gemini 2011 yearly horoscope shows that when it comes to relationships, you are your usual, indecisive self. This is not the year to make any major decisions but every impulse within you will be weighing the pros and cons. Odds are good that you will ache to make a major life change from January to June, but this hemming and hawing is just going to cause stress. Here’s a tip Gemini 2011 can be a bit more fun if you appreciate what you have. You have excellent friends, family and interpersonal relationships! So, take the time to notice. Develop these relationships. Slow down, smell the flowers and stop thinking that the grass is greener over there. Instead, enjoy the luxury of peace in your relationships that 2011 has given you.

Gemini 2011 Education and Traveling Horoscope

The tortoise wins the race. The Gemini 2011 yearly horoscope shows that there could be career attacks in the earlier part of the year, it would be a great idea to brush up on your skills. Attend the conferences, learn the latest programs and show those in charge that you are interested in remaining a step ahead. Relax and take a break sometime in the fall. Give yourself a long vacation - you deserve it.

Gemini 2011 Health Horoscope

The Gemini 2011 yearly horoscope shows that there will be some ups and downs healthwise, so it’s prudent to be on top of all of the areas that will help you out. Don’t put off basic things until the last minute, like making doctor visits. Check up and check in, so that you can deal with problems quickly if they arise. Luckily, you have a wonderful support staff around you that you can lean on when you need help. Just don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.

Gemini January 2011 Horoscope
During the beginning of this month you might have the opportunity of having a better position in your current job, or even finding something new.  However, you need to be careful when considering making any major purchases or investments.   Mars will be in Aquarius on the 15th bringing you options for fun and adventure. Travel may be possible.  Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius allow you a great chance to develop rewarding personal and business relationships.

Gemini February 2011 Horoscope
Remember, you need to be thrifty.  Venus, in Capricorn on the 4th, may cause financial challenges to continue from January into this month.  For the first three weeks the New Moon and Full Moon can provide opportunity to take a personal or business trip.  You may receive an opportunity to communicate with an inspiring friend, listen and heed their advice.  Be on the lookout for positive money-making options.

Gemini March 2011 Horoscope
With Mars and Mercury in Pisces, your solar tenth house, the energy could lead to an interesting career project for you.  Be patient and smart.  If you don't take that business trip in Feb., this month may be a better time for informative seminars.  Increase your circle of friends and get more involved with networking groups.  Have fun but don't let money issues get in the way.

Gemini April 2011 Horoscope
If you have become involved with a networking group, let another skilled person take care of the financial issues.  Enjoy being by yourself this month.  One of your friends may threaten the relationship when your values differ.  You might have dating opportunities but be careful.  The energy this month may be a little off.

Gemini May 2011 Horoscope
Your daily life may be really hectic due to this month's full moon.  It's important to take a breather and relax.  Focus on getting better sleep.  Then you'll be in better shape and mood to socialize with friends.  You'll have more energy to declutter and clean house, maybe have a yard sale.  Mars, Mercury and Venus will be joining Uranus in Aries, which means you could meet someone and develop a special relationship.

Gemini June 2011 Horoscope
You may have ups and downs with money issues.  Don't get too extravagant in your social activities.  There could be trouble when dealing with money and friends together.  You might meet a special person this month.  Listen and learn more about him/her, you never know where it might lead to.  Have fun this summer!

Gemini July 2011 Horoscope
You will have that extra charm and attraction around you this month. But this month will also need you to decide on a friendship or romantic relationship that you have been trying to maintain against your will. Take extra care of your finances and don’t let anyone tamper with it. Great time to get better acquainted with your neighbors, distant relatives and community people. Possible raise for you or your mate but budgeting and financial planning may need attention.

Gemini August 2011 Horoscope
An upbeat month, you will have time to rethink and plan your personal life and fall projects. A vacation is in the offing so get to some good place with great sceneries to refresh your spirits. Choose your words carefully when conversing with relatives and immediate family members. Tempted to resume a past relationship – think twice. You may have an increased income but if planning a home-based business with a little financial investment, it may not turn out as expected.

Gemini September 2011 Horoscope
Be cautious with investments this month. Things may not be what they seem and you may be in for a loss if you do not invest wisely. Your home is your haven and you and your family will enjoy time together. Parents of teens should make efforts to know their friends better. If your sixth sense tells you to be wary watch your kids closely, especially in the last week. Money-wise your bank account could be growing

Gemini October 2011 Horoscope
A traffic ticket and a tiff with your workmates are likely so go slow. Planets in your 5 th house Libra indicates time for hobbies, family and sports. Take time to review investments and retirement account carefully. Plan for long term gain and remember your children’s education fund requirement. Friendships will provide you with quality time so socialize and have fun. If you meet your former love interest don’t get carried away. Money-wise your past performance will earn you rewards. Business travel is also on the cards.

Gemini November 2011 Horoscope
This month you are prone to minor health problems like cold and flu – stay warm, eat well and get plenty of rest. Home-life may be hectic but think twice before starting any new projects. Singles may have a love-at-first-sight romance or even engagements. Choose words carefully to avoid misunderstandings. You may land yourself a good deal on holiday gift but social events and dates can get expensive.

Gemini December 2011 Horoscope
Unexpected financial change for you this month – winning lotteries or facing unusually high expense, getting a fabulous gift or facing an investment loss – money matters need caution. With your lively spirit you will be a favorite on the social scene, make the most and mix and mingle – someone out there could do you a great favor in the near future. Money-wise heed to your sixth sense, use your creativity than stretching your budget. Avoid shopping around 18 th you may not get what you need.


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Horoscope 2011 Gemini

Horoscope : GENERAL

The astral configurations this year 2011 will enable you to crown your launched efforts last year, in the relational field. What will have effects in many circumstances. Indeed, the impulses of Uranus in aspect with your sector, escorted Mars and Sun will notably facilitate your exchanges and their clearness. New choices become possible and those are turned spontaneously towards evolutions which bring you closer to your objectives. And in spite of the agitation which at certain times will be intense, your personal road is seen facilitated by your entourage and its influence. You will have more space to live with a capital L !


Your professional life is under the influence of Venus and Saturne, this year. This will create circumstances favourable to the expansion of your professional ambitions. You will test a need increased for social recognition, while becoming aware of the road which you must traverse to arrive there. Your contacts are more harmonious, the exchanges are more fluid. On the other hand, it is with the authority that you are likely to have evil to agree to make a pact, you estimate (wrongly?) that one misses diplomacy with you. To find the good distance will be the solution, and at the same time a challenge. Your relational opening is carrying chance, it is the moment to give blows of collars especially if you have a profession in connection with customers.


Passion and glamour enter your life by the large door, this year. You will start a new departure, or will prepare it. The planetary impulses which reign in your sky will wake up in you an intensive need of love, which you will be able to reconcile with balance, at the same time. If you were in a complex situation in this field, you will spontaneously seek to simplify the data of them while going to essence. To drive out illusions becomes easier, you will trust more at points of good sense, logic, truth especially. This is without you to lie that you will be able to take stock of your situation and to draw some the right conclusions for everyone. Your partner entrusts you more easily than last year, which will allow you to learn longer on why and how there are reactions that sometimes you really do not understand. You are tired of entering complications in love which ultimately, make you waste your time and do not return to you happier. The Venus impulses confer great facilities of seduction to you, especially during between April and August 2011. If you are currently in a relation of couple, you will lean naturally towards more exchanges, of dialogues, in the calm one of your home. To flee, too relational agitation, which could create interferences in your relation, be especially selective.


Your accounts, businesses in progress and all that is attached to the financial considerations sees facilitated during the first six-month period 2011. Your vision of your own situation clears up, you reason with logic compared to what you must do or not to make in your accounts. You will meet circumstances which will allow you to increase your re-entries of money, especially from your work and your results. It will be the moment to require an increase! You will have to redouble vigilance as from October in the handling of your papers, your administrative approaches, of cash also. Your distraction could make some to you lose, be vigilant.


Jupiter and Uranus in aspect covering with your sector come to soften the angles of your life and to reduce you sometimes in a strange way, certain burdens, which you have carried for four years, particularly. New needs for freedom are felt, but this is especially the moment to advance your projects and to benefit from the relational facilities which is announced in this direction. Because of another share, you will be tempted to let run time in the unconcern without providing of particular strains. What certainly, would bring very good moments to you, but would make you lose important chances, in particular at the professional level. Do not let slow down the flow of your chance by numbness… which you can extremely well live thoroughly during your moments of intimacy.


The Uranus effects combined with those of Mercury will intensify your life, this year. In fact the small annoyances take you much energy. Indeed, the question of your responsibility arises more than ever, and you will have tendency to do too much for your entourage and thus tiring you more than it would not be needed. Your immune system is seen reinforced, your general vitality is in rise despite everything, until June 2011. This is then that you will have to make efforts with regard to your food, in particular to prevent absolutely from spiced dishes. Your digestive system will need cares at the end of the year.

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Gemini 2011 horoscope and 2011 Gemini Astrology

Just check what YEAR 2011 holds for you


This year of 2011 Gemini zodiac sign born would try to bring something new in their life. They would have new promises, Dream hopes, vision and goals for New Year 2011. Overall this year would bring mixed result for Gemini sun sign born. The New Year 2011 is ahead of you and would be fresh and vibrant for most of Gemini born. The Askganesha Astrologer also predicts that fluctuations and problems may crop up too, but do not loose your confidence and face the situation with courage and confidence. Business persons will get due profits and returns of their hard work. They may have to face some stiff competitions but would be able to overcome problems with their efforts. Spirituality would still be an important interest in the year 2011. Gemini sun sign born will have to be a little more careful while talking to others and passing comments. Gemini’s have a quality that they show genuine empathy towards humanity.

Love and Relationships Horoscope Gemini 2011

Askganesha Astrologer predicts those people who are still unmarried are likely to find a suitable life partner during middle months of the year 2011. A sudden romantic development with someone you have known for long might come as a surprise. Those who are about to marry might tie the wedding knot this year. Gemini zodiac sign born will be dominating in their relationship with their partner. But till some of you would feel more independent and less interested in the pursuit of romance in the year 2011. Family affairs are certainly going to cheerful with further improvement in later part of the year 2011. Askganesha Astrologer says opportunities for new romance could come up through social get-together or parties. Gemini sun sign born personality will help develop new relationship during the month of August to October 2011. Intense loving from your spouse or beloved would keep you in an excellent mood. At times you could be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Expressing your hearts desire to your love would successfully be reciprocated during the months of February and May 2011. It is the year (2011) to seal and sign for a long term commitment with your partner. Askganesha Astrologer advices - Try to maintain cordial relations with everyone especially with your Love/spouse. Romance would rule your heart this year 2011 as you find immense pleasure in the arms of your beloved. For the Gemini zodiac sign born a pattern of celestial peace is essential for harmonious relationship. Your relationship might distract you away from your partner so devote your more time and try to make healthy relationship. There might be chance to get good news from your partner during the month of November to December 2011.

Work/Profession, Career/Business Gemini 2011 and Finances Horoscope Gemini 2011

Askganesha Astrologer predicts the year 2011 will be generally full of excitement for Gemini sun sign born. This year (2011) hard work will be the essential part for achievers. During the month of March to April 2011 you can expect wonderful result in your career and job prospect. Askganesha Astrologer advices - If you are honest no one can do anything against you. Gemini zodiac sign born will gain recognition and professional advancement through personal initiative and industry. Askganesha Astrologer predicts money flow would be satisfactory; you will pay back your debts and would also get outstanding amounts. Between times things may get delayed than expected but would be successful in the end. During the month of August to September 2011 there would be new ventures and associations possible for the Gemini sun sign born. Askganesha Astrologer advices - Don't invest your money in share market blindly there loss is indicated. You should try to invest money with a long term perspective. Gemini sun sign born should take decisions about financial matters sensibly. You need to try to devise new strategies and methods to tap market trends. There shall be probabilities of profit as well as loss in area of work. Gemini zodiac sign born would inspire others to take action and do group efforts or joint projects. The general indications for career are very progressive for the Gemini sun sign born. Those who are Academicians and researchers will find the year 2011 very tough because of unforeseen problems in the field of research. During the month of October to November 2011 most of the problems might be created by associates so the natives must exercise enough caution in this regard and think judiciously to sort out this problem. Interaction with seniors at work is likely to immensely help. Focusing on long-term goals is key to success in business. You will have to do a lot of reaching out, make the effort to maintain contacts' and perhaps even revive old connections. If looking for overseas employment then this year 2011 will help you immensely.

Family and social Life Gemini 2011

Askganesha Astrologer advices - Listen to what you want on a truly basis instead of trying to figure out your whole schedule all at once. A simple and practical step ahead on a personal level is the sought-after outcome here. Children will bring happiness through academic performance. Home environment will be peaceful and pleasant, and family members will extend full support in your decision. Gemini zodiac sign born will be able to get the blessings of elders. Friends or good connections will add something to the mix. Gemini sun sign born will have many and varied friends, but may lose some of them because of impulsive and rash behavior at times. Family affairs are certainly going to cheerful with further improvement in later of the year 2011.

Travel Horoscope Gemini 2011

Askganesha Astrologer predicts traveling may bring immense pleasure and relaxation from work burden. Not only will you feel more relaxed, but you'll take out much more enjoyment that way. Askganesha Astrologer advices - while traveling makes sure you carry all-important documents. Gemini sun sign born might go on a journey to upgrade skill or for acquiring professional training. You might get transfer to other place during the month of June 2011. In the month of April to July 2011 you may take a short trip or visit a nearby hill station to escape the severe heat of the city. Try to enjoy your trip. Askganesha Astrologer advices - Gemini zodiac sign born, don't over-commit to social events or you might not even get a chance to see all that this place holds. August 2011- The best time to go with your partner to some other place to make ever lasting relationship. In the month of October to November 2011 there will be probability of your going on a journey to some tourist place with your family members.

Health Horoscope Gemini 2011

This year is average for Gemini sun sign born on health point of views hence you should take necessary care for your personal health during the year 2011. Gemini zodiac sign born could suffer from headaches, fever and restlessness during the year 2011. Askganesha Astrologer advices - Following an exercise regimen and meditation will benefit and lead you towards sound health. In the month of January to March 2011 promises better health and freedom from health problems. Those Gemini sun sign born who are already facing health problems will get some respite this time. During the month of October 2011 there are no signs of facing any health problems but it would be better not to take it for granted. It is also an opportune time to pay attention to spirituality. In the month of November to December 2011 Gemini zodiac sign born are likely to be clouded under the mental stress. It is time for you to keep in mind that without stress there would be no progress. You should therefore make efforts to get rid of this completely. Askganesha Astrologer advices - Changing your attitude would enable enjoying a healthy time. Positive attitude and a preventive care would bring immense relief from ailments.

Famous Geminis

Queen Victoria (24 May 1819)
Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle (22 May 1859)
Richard Wagner (22 May 1813)
William Butler Yeats (13 June 1865)
Ian Fleming (28 May 1908)
John F. Kennedy (29 May 1917)
Marilyn Monroe (1 June 1926)
Paul McCartney (18 June 1942)
Angelina Jolie (4 June 1975)
Annette Bening (29 May 1958)
Helena Bonham Carter (26 May 1966)
Clint Eastwood (31 May 1930)
Johnny Depp (9 June 1963)
Colin Farrell (31 May 1976)
Morgan Freeman (1 June 1937)
Nicole Kidman (20 June 1967)
Natalie Portman (9 June 1981)
Tupac Shakur (16 June 1971)
Michael J. Fox (9 June 1961)

"Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing." (William Butler Yeats)

Puteri Indonesia 2010 Activities (14)

Carrefour Beauty Fair 2011

Anak-anak Papua penerima beasiswa dari DELL

Courtesy of Official Puteri Indonesia's Facebook

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nadine Ames New Shoots

Courtesy of Ibrahim Imran & Artika Sari Devi

Thank u so so much Kak Baim & Kak Tika <3

Asian Barbie vs Black Barbie

Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames (Indonesia) vs Leila Lopes (Angola)

However, we love both of you. Good luck in the upcoming Miss Universe!

Audrie Sanova: Nadine, you have your own beauty

Audrie Adriana Sanova (Top 5 Finalist of Puteri Indonesia 2009)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

TV em Análise Críticas - Road to Miss Universe 2011 (12th Assessment)

March 18, 2011

Courtesy of TV em Análise Críticas (a Brazilian TV Critics-blog)

Nadine Ames: Can't Live Without Gym

Scanned from Jawa Pos (March 19 2011)
Courtesy of Onni Rizky Iskandar via Dilla Puspita

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sketch/Design Challenge

Original image courtesy of Wikipedia

So here is your sketch/design challenge for Miss Nadine's NatCos. Theme: Inspired by Goddess Avalokiteśvara. Entries are due in by Thursday 31st March 2011. Then submit your sketch/design to or tag us on FB: Nadine Ames or mention us @j_adoreames. We will then post them all and ask our friends on FB/Twitter/blog to vote for their favorite. Win a gift from us for the most favorite designer!

More info about theme: Read

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nadine Chandrawinata's Dramatic Photo Shoot (The Light Magazine)

also featured actress Dian Sastrowardoyo and model Laura Antonietta

Courtesy of Sam Nugroho via The Light (Issue 21 Vol.2, 2009)

Nadine C. & Fiza on Tabloid "Gaya Hidup Sehat"

Courtesy of Gaya Hidup Sehat (Issue 589, November - December 2010)

Evening Gown Gallery (Izzy Magazine)

Courtesy of Izzy (Issue One Vol.2, 2010)