Saturday, May 10, 2014

Miss USA 2014: Interview with Christina Zapolski

 21 y.o, 1.82 m
South Carolina

Q: How would you describe yourself as the Miss USA 2014 candidate?
A: I am a fashion model and a part-time student who is continuing my studies toward a Degree in Communications.

Q: What can women do better than men?
A: Women are very good communicators. I feel that communication is very important in any situation and is key for people to be able to fully understand each other.

Q: Do you believe in the society's standards of beauty? Tell the reason.
A: As a working model in the fashion industry, I do have respect what is done to produce a good image for marketing to consumers. That being said, I also think that we need to make it clear that many things are being done to enhance images and other aspects that work to set the standards of what is considered 'beauty' today. Making younger generations aware of these things will help protect them from scrutinizing themselves based on unachievable standards.

Q: Who's your inspiration in life and why?
A: Angelina Jolie is someone who inspires me in many ways. I look up to her ability to maintain her career, while still being compassionate and strikingly human. Her love for others shows through in everything she does, and that is what I strive for in my life as well.

Q: Please share your beauty secrets.
A: One of my beauty secrets is to put coconut oil in as many foods as possible. It is a wonderful oil that is known to rebuild skin tissue and it can be used both topically and internally, on a regular basis, for the elimination of wrinkles. I try to use coconut oil as much as I can to hydrate my skin and prevent wrinkles.

Q: Message to your supporters and fans
A: I want to sincerely thank everyone who has continuously supported me for who I am. I am so grateful for all the kindness and encouragement that I am receiving through this exciting time. I am also very thankful for everyone's unconditional dedication to me that makes me work my hardest, and without all of you I would not be the person I am today!

Did you know?
Zapolski was the tallest girl in her entire high school, which had about 2,000 total students.

Interviewed by Dionysus
Images courtesy of Models Rating, Miss South Carolina USA Official, Miss USA Official


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