Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mister Universe Model 2012: Interview with Tremain Linson

Tremain Linson (23 y.o/1,83 m/US Virgin Islands)

Q: Hello Tremain, how are you?
A: I am doing great. Having a blast meeting not only life long friends but fans also!

Q: How competitive are you as a representative of your country?
A: I am a very competitive. Not only representing one of the many great countries, I am glad to represent one that's believes in me most of all.

Q: How would you describe your current state of mind?
A: Confused and a little nervous! So many great people, it's anyones game.

Q: Do you believe in luck?
A: Of course I do.

Q: Who do you think is the strongest contestant?
A: They are all very strong.. hard to say honestly.

Q: Please tell us what is your personal quote.
A: The sky is the limit.

Interviewed by Dionysus
Images courtesy of Mister Universe Model Official


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